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Huber Ridge Elementary
Huber Ridge Elementary
5757 Buenos Aires Blvd.

Sheri Chaffin, Principal
Maggie Anderson, Asst. Principal

Phone: 614-797-7150
Fax: 614-797-7151

Click for Attendance
or call, 1-844-431-0874

Instructional Hours:

Grades 1-5 / All Day Kindergarten

9:15 AM - 3:40 PM

AM Kindergarten: 9:15 AM - 11:55 AM

PM Kindergarten: 1:00 PM - 3:40 PM

Office  Hours:  8:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Huber Ridge Elementary School is a child-centered neighborhood school that is nurturing, caring, and accepting of individual differences. We value creativity, achievement, critical thinking, and risk-taking. Through a collaborative effort, our staff, parents and students create a positive atmosphere in which all students in kindergarten through grade five have the opportunity to learn and achieve their full potential.

Students enjoy an academic curriculum that integrates a literature-based reading program with other disciplines. A hands-on math program enables our students to learn math concepts. In addition, students benefit from instruction in science, social studies, and health, as well as art, music and physical education.

Developing responsible students is a part of a school-wide collaborative. Our school community focuses on responsible student behavior that supports the positive character growth of all students. Staff, parents, and students work together to identify those universal qualities such as respect, honesty, citizenship and caring. Because students learn these attributes, a climate exists where children feel comfortable, safe and successful.

Every school year, Huber Ridge develops a continuous improvement plan. This plan provides a roadmap for our school improvement.

Huber Ridge Elementary includes a student population of about 550 students in grades kindergarten through fifth. The majority of our students walk to school allowing us to be very community oriented. Special student services include learning disability and behavior disability resource teachers, two reading specialists, speech/language pathologist, and an Able and Talented Academic Advisor.